Do it for you.
Do what you want because you want to. Do things because it’s important to you. Do something just for the joy of doing it. Do something just for the joy of learning and getting better at something. Do something just out of pure curiosity. Do something without fear of failure or judgment, without caring if something is good enough or not. Do something without giving a fuck what other people think, what they want, what they feel, if they like it or approve of it or validate it. Do something without caring if people laugh or scoff or don’t like it. Do something to get a change of perspective. Do something just to see if you can, just to see what happens. Do something to experiment, make mistakes, and to have fun making mistakes and being bad at something and to practice loving and respecting and honoring yourself even if, even while, especially while you’re bad something. Do something for yourself first not for the world. Do something without taking a fucking picture of it. Do something without needing to tell people or show people you did it. Do something because it brings you joy, makes you happy, makes you feel good about yourself. Do something because it makes you feel alive. Do something because what else are you going to do with your finite time, you pants-wearing ape? Do something because it’s silly and funny. Do something without caring about consequences or ROI’s. Do something because you are a rare human being who has never existed before and will never exist again. Do something because none of this matters in the end so have fun and live authentically and don’t let the world and other people’s bullshit bring you down. Do something before it’s too late. Do something even if it’s too early. Do something because no one else cares and they’re all preoccupied with their own shit. Do something to destroy the weakness, the fears, the phantoms, the blockages, shackles, judgment, false lies of powerlessness and hopelessness they implanted in you for their control and convenience. Do something as a fuck you to all the people who said you couldn’t, who said you weren’t good enough. Do something as a fuck you to the universe. Do something to get your brain out of survival mode, to stretch, to exercise the atrophied parts of you. Do something just to be yourself as you are right now and love it, accept it, embrace it proudly, brazenly, celebrate it. Do something to make something that has never existed before, that’s completely yours and you love it because it’s yours. Do something to learn and actualize and discover and sculpt who you are. Do something as a fuck you to all the almost people, the so called adults who never became themselves and so wanted to make you feel not good enough before you even knew who you were. Do something to break out of the petrification, the comatose, consuming spectator state. Do something just for you, something that moves you deeply, touches you, tickles and lights up the deepest parts of you, that pleases you, makes you feel alive, makes you feel glad to exist. Do something to take the next best step. Do something to fail, to sit with failure and embrace her and listen to what she has to say and let her have the right to exist and listen to what she has to teach. Do something feel the discomfort of doing something new, trying something new, and loving yourself as you stumble and wobble your way through it. Do something to find your uniqueness, to shake off the cobwebs, to get the initial derivative, platitudinous, common, familiar stuff out and get to the individual, unique, weird, raw, distilled, unadulterated essence of you. Do something to purge yourself, to release, let go, let things die, to let new things grow, to peel back the layers, to look at each layer, every wound, every land mine inside of you, every flaw, and honor its brazen, unabashed right to be, to assert itself, to feel the anger and the disgust and contempt and rage and destructive creativity. Do something without performing, without trying to get some result out of it, without comparing. Do something to feel the cool wind of courage pushing you onward as you cross the chasm of fear. Do something even if it’s dramatic and over the top. Do something even if it makes others feel small and uncomfortable. Do something even if it’s naive and pollyannaish. Do something even if it doesn’t make any sense. Do something without needing others to like it, validate it, approve of it, understand it. Do something like there are no rules, no fears, no limitations, no right or wrong. Do something that is not for fucking money, this leash they have put around all our necks to domesticate us and make us forget our wild, free, feral humanness.